New Roots science and mathematics teacher Mary Gooding has
brought the vision of an integrated, hands-on curriculum to life for our Senior
Year program, teaching Contemporary Science and Technology II (CST II) and
Statistics to our seniors. Her focus on real-world application is at the
heart of her work. This month, students in her CST II class have been
applying physics concepts to understanding how to create sustainable energy

Mary graciously wrote this description of the project for
me, in the middle of her busy teaching life:
Leading up to our construction of the model wind turbines in
Contemporary Science and Technology II, I lead students in building small
motors and converting their motors into generators. There are multiple goals
and learning targets in this project. For one, we begin with all raw materials.
Real life does not come with a "kit" so neither do we. Through this
process students learn how to cut and strip wire leads, and they must be
resourceful to build the motors from basic materials.
Another learning target is for students to see that the
generator is effectively running a motor backward. My course is focused on
energy systems, and through this construction project, students can physically
see how the motor converts electricity to mechanical energy and the generator
converts mechanical energy into electricity.
Later on, when we construct the wind turbines, I will give
students small (1.5-3 VDC) motors. Students will use these running as
generators to convert the mechanical energy input from the wind moving the
blades of the turbine into electricity we can use. Looking onward, we will
evaluate both renewable and nonrenewable energy systems in the Ithaca area as
well as student-chosen areas.
I truly enjoyed developing and launching these activities
here at New Roots last year, and I am excited to introduce them to this year's
senior class this Spring!
By the way, this is the same Mary Gooding you heard
about in my last blog post – she’s also coach and choreographer of our New
Roots dance troupe in her spare time!! Mary is a woman of many talents,
and she brings them all to our school with heart and soul. On behalf of
the many students whose lives she touches, I am grateful.